
Enthusiastic volunteers find students keen

Volunteers George Mann and Kieran Sparkes are now in the third of five weeks with our family at Happy House. ,And they are thoroughly enjoying assisting with lessons in our school in their specialist subjects, maths, science and English. ,The two men, from Norfolk, are finding their students willing and enthusiastic to learn. ,SAFE AND SOUND APPEAL ,The new steel roof on our Happy House children’s home is almost finished, but we still have to go the distance to pay for it. ,As you will know damage from unprecedented rainstorms rendered our 14 year old that beyond repair, leaving us in an emergency situation with an £8,600 bill. ,We are asking you to help us to pay for the roof by supporting our appeal. You can make a donation via PayPal https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/ChildrenofWatamu or Justgiving https://www.justgiving.com/childrenofwatamu/Donate ,Maybe you could arrange a fundraising event – a coffee morning, cake sale, sponsored run etc. Whatever you do please keep us in touch so that we can say thank you. ,Just email our voluntary UK coordinator Elizabeth Gomm – elizabethgomm@childrenofwatamu.net ,We must keep our children, all of whom have had a tragic start in life, safe and sound. Thank you.

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