
March 2009 Scott Webster Helps with the Happy House Garden

Scott & Laura Webster who are two of our sponsors at school organized a Snail Race Night to raise funds for the Happy House garden. Their friends Michelle and Jim Hemsley were a great help. Jim printed the tickets and supplied the projector and Michelle hassled numerous business to donate prizes for the raffle. June Smith helped by selling raffle raffle tickets which raised £350. A total of £1390 was raised from the evening that around 120 people attended. The money was then 50% matched by Zurich Financial Services to make a final total of £2,085
Scott visited us here in Watamu to work with Gideon, the gardener on the Happy House land. As we intend to grow fruit and vegetables to help with the feeding of the Happy House Kids and the children at school we are grateful for all help and advice. Scott was fantastic, he brought soil testing kits, top soil was purchased and distributed across the area. He then planned the area into 44 sections for rotation of crops so that all the goodness is not taken out of each area. Well water is available for watering the plants so Scott purchased a hose and sprinkler to ensure that all the crops are well watered which is the main essential in Watamu. Gideon now has lots of maize and other crops planted ready for when the rains come in the next few weeks.
Thank you to all concerned for such a fantastic donation and to Scott for all his hard work.

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