
Little Chicks graduate

How proud we were yesterday when five of our children graduated from our Little Chicks Nursery School.
John, Fatuma, Lily, Francis and Oscar will be moving up from Kg3 in to primary Class 1 when the new term starts in January.
It’s a big event in a child’s life and graduation ceremonies are part of the academic process in Kenya.
Our Happy House five, plus day pupil classmates, looked so smart in their black and red caps and gowns.
Graduation took place as part of the closing day celebrations when every child had a part to play in the entertainment for assembled guests , including some very important people with the education officer as the chief guest.
There was just such a busy programme and so much to talk about that we will leave that for another blog and concentrate, today, on our graduates.
They sat so patiently through the speeches waiting for their moment to shine. And shine they did as each stepped forward to receive their graduation certificate from our Happy House director who is just “Mama’’ to them!
As they were bursting with pride so was their Mama, delighted to see her Little Chicks ready to fly up to bigger things.
It is thanks to her foresight and vision that they have a home and education and it is wonderful to see how much value they place upon it.

Together We Can Make Difference

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